Sustainability Policy
At Patricia Ezechie Coaching and Consultancy we take our responsibility to care for and look after our planet very seriously. We are committed to developing and maintaining an environmental policy which covers all issues that affect our business and endeavour to minimise wherever possible adverse effects on the environment, while seeking to identify and implement opportunities to improve the environment. We do this in as simple and as practical way as possible.
We use electronic IT based confidentially protected filing of records of the work we do with clients and our own communications and information retention records is electronic.
We recycle all paper and cardboard.
We endeavour to always use Carbon Neutral stationery suppliers (ISO 14001 certified).
We recycle all Toner and ink cartridges through our suppliers.
We avoid travelling by car or taxi wherever possible and journeys are planned making use of rail, underground, bus or tram networks where possible. Were car travel is essential we will endeavour to always car share where possible.
Out of life IT equipment, office equipment and furniture is recycled locally with a local authority authorised centre and usable furniture always donated to local charities
Carbon Emissions Policy
We plan to deliver as many services virtually online as the client deems suitable and appropriate thereby minimising our travel and carbon footprint.
We use LED lighting and turn lights off once we leave the office.
We use natural daylight wherever possible during the daytime.
We use kitchen appliances (fridges/ dishwashers) with a high energy rating.
We enable energy-saving and battery-saving modes on all PC and mobile work devices.
We have reduced the office’s thermostat temperature by 1°c.
All our office furniture is used or recycled.
We do not use single use products in the office. All crockery and glasses are reusable.
We have 2 meat free days a week.
We do not have any company cars.
We communicate our environmental and sustainability policy to our clients, customers, and suppliers and only use suppliers that are aligned with our core sustainability values.
We comply with all relevant environmental legislation and regularly review our working practices to meet our environmental and sustainability objectives.
As a member of ICF, EMCC and AC who are joint signatories to the Statement on Climate Change
Social Value
We provide free coaching, career development and training resources to anyone who requires coaching or wellbeing support via the Patricia Ezechie Coaching and Consultancy website’s Blog and Free Resources page.
We have been providing pro-bono career resilience and wellbeing coaching to NHS staff across the East of England, London and Southeast regions through the NHS Leadership and Mentoring Hub for several years and have made a commitment as an organisation to continue doing so.
We have also made a commitment to further support marginalised BAME women in progressing in their careers, and into leadership by providing coaching and mentoring support on a pro bono basis and currently offer 50 hours a year with a view to increasing that to 100 hours a year per consultant by 2024.
Our mission is to empower every person we work with to recognise and own they have more power than they know and more control and agency than they believe, and with commitment and support they can achieve the lives and careers they want and to any level of seniority they aspire to.
Patricia Ezechie.