5 Strategies to Get You and Your Career Back on Track.... TODAY!

One of the few gifts of the pandemic has been a realisation by many that there is more to life than work. It’s a shame it took something almost apocalyptic to scare us out of our collective stupor, but it happened - (at last) and there is no going back (thank goodness!).
"The Great Resignation" is the latest buzzword used to explain this and the media would have you believe that everyone is telling their boss exactly what they think of them, selling up and going to live on as small holding to rear llamas and make unique hand made artisan goods!
The truth is
there has always been a steady flow of people changing careers and career direction,
there has always been a steady flow of people taking career breaks,
and there has always been a steady flow of people (especially women) choosing to go it alone and start their own businesses!
The pandemic has made us a little more vocal about it, and with the flexibility that came from being stuck in our homes (oxymoron I know), there is the collective realisation that we do have control - real control over our careers and lives (pandemic’s permitting). The Great Realisation is perhaps a better description for what has happened as a result of the last 2 years.
So where does that leave you if you are feeling stuck or unhappy in your career?
Do you stay or do you leave?
If you stay, how can you make things better?
If you leave what are the options?
Can you even do either?
Well here are five strategies to get you unstuck, feeling more empowered and more in control of the direction of your career, and help you make changes to your career that will suit your personal and professional aspirations.
Make your personal and career development your priority by taking back the responsibility for it!
Imagine showing up at your next appraisal with a personal development plan and road map you have devised detailing where you want to be and by when, and you give your manager actions as to how they can empower you to get there? You would be able to express to them with clarity and confidence the types of projects and opportunities that best suit your aspirations, and the tools, skills and training you would like to support you in your development.
How would that feel and more importantly what could you achieve?
The key to success in your career, your life and your future lies in understanding and getting comfortable with who you are, what drives and motivates you, what is important to you, and understanding what you actually want to spend your time doing.
This insight and clarity is priceless and is the basis for growth and development (both personally and professionally), now and in the future. You should know yourself and your interests better than anyone else does and it is the greatest advantage you can give yourself both in your life and career. It is also the foundation of your career development journey .
Find our more on how to do that here
We are living in an unprecedented time when information is literally at our finger-tips. There is not a single thing that you could possibly want to learn or find out about that you couldn't have access to information about in seconds.
This is extraordinary, is such a gift and a huge leveller. The days when education, information and access to specialist knowledge, training and expertise were a preserve of the privileged is gone! To be competitive and employable in an ever increasing technological and global world you need to keep up to speed, stay informed and educated. Don’t rely solely on your employer for training and development, understand your skills, the gaps, and get out there, do the research and EDUCATE YOURSELF. There are a multitude of courses and development opportunities out there with price points to suit every budget and many incredible courses and training the best of which you can find here ( and I’m not biased, it's a fact!).
So the next time you are lamenting your lack of skills and training, take some time to really think about and acknowledge the reasons you may not be making progress and what is really stopping you from doing something about it.
If you are expecting your career to just manifest from nothing or you are waiting for ‘something’ to happen – that amazing opportunity to fall into your lap, to stumble on the right path for you, or for someone to knock on your door and hand you the gift of a beautifully crafted career or opportunity… be prepared to be waiting a long time and to remaining unmotivated, directionless and lost.
You need to be proactive in managing your career focus and trajectory, proactive in educating yourself and proactive in seeking out and making opportunities. Look for opportunities in the workplace or elsewhere. As well as opening up access to information and knowledge, technological and social change have also provided an unprecedented number of ways to engage with the world of work and connect with others (and this was before the pandemic!). We have more flexibility, options and variety in the types of work and occupations than we have ever had even in this time of change and economic uncertainty.
The question is why are you not making the most of them and if your answer is you are not sure how, then find out how here
To succeed in your career in the world we now live in you need to get more comfortable with:
embracing change
being proactive
being resilient and
having self-knowledge and self-awareness
all of which take investment:
investment of effort - getting what you want and achieving what you want in your life will not happen on its own.
investment of time - by creating space in your life to do the work.
investment in yourself - by prioritising yourself. I can’t say this enough! To be there for everyone else you must first be there for yourself! Sort yourself out then start on everyone else!
And finally, financial investment – yes you can go out there and pay for and get training and development for yourself!
Are you really going to stay stuck in that job, or career because you are waiting for your employer to pay for a course or programme that they keep promising you but never materialises, or worse still have told you you are not right / eligible or there is no budget for?
What is your future and your development worth to you?
Are you worth the investment?
Are you worth it?
If you want a step-by-step guide on how to get unstuck, change your career completely or just to make changes to the career you have (get a promotion, develop more confidence, manage your time, boundaries or anything else that is keeping you stuck) you can get everything you need to make the changes you want to make HERE
If you want some resources and coaching support to get you started right now (all free!!) CLICK HERE
Make this year.... hell make now, today, when you begin to create the career you want, and you are in the right place as I'm going to help you get there!
If you are not prepared to invest in yourself why should anyone else?
Stop waiting to be rescued..... they are not coming.
CLICK HERE and lets's get started today!
Patricia Ezechie x
© Patricia Ezechie Coaching and Consultancy 2022. All Rights Reserved.